Welcome to Cards Against Discord's help page!

Click on the command you need help with.


cad start

Starts the room.

Format: cad start

Usage example #1: cad start

cad create

Create a room with an optional password.

Format: cad create [opt. password]

Usage example #1: cad create my_password

cad kick

Kicks the user with that number on the scoreboard.

Format: cad kick [user number]

Usage example #1: cad kick 2


cad submit

Pick the specified card to win the round.

Format: cad submit [card number]

Usage example #1: cad submit 1


cad submit

Submit the specified card to be judged by the czar.

Format: cad submit [card number]

Usage example #1: cad submit 8

cad cards

Shows your cards.

Format: cad cards

Usage example #1: cad cards


cad join

Joins the room with that code (and password, needed)

Format: cad join [room code] [opt. password]

Usage example #1: cad join 5gt2 my_password

cad leave

Leaves the room you're currently in.

Format: cad leave

Usage example #1: cad leave

cad scores

Shows the room's scoreboard.

Format: cad scores

Usage example #1: cad scores

cad reshuffle

Reshuffles your hand, giving you new cards.

Format: cad reshuffle

Usage example #1: cad reshuffle


cad language

Change your language with a two letter language code.

Format: cad language [language code]

Usage example #1: cad language ar

cad stats

Shows the stats of a user.

Format: cad stats [opt. user mention]

Usage example #1: cad stats @thisuser

cad credits

Sends you the credits

Format: cad credits

Usage example #1: cad credits